Mental Residual Functional Capacity in Tampa SSDI Claims

Mental residual functional capacity is what remains of an individual’s mental abilities, given all of their mental health impairments. It comes down to what an individual is capable of doing in an eight-hour workday, referencing the concentration, persistence, and pace required for their job. It may also include an individual’s ability to interact and engage with co-workers, supervisors, and the general public. It is an individual’s ability to maintain regular attendance. In short, the mental residual functional capacity is the person’s abilities that remain in consideration of their mental health impairments. Someone’s mental residual functional capacity will determine whether or not they are capable of engaging in a substantial gainful activity and whether or not they can maintain an eight-hour workday.

If you having any questions regarding mental residual functional capacity in Tampa SSDI claims, reach out to an experienced SSDI lawyer today.

Determining an Applicant’s Mental Residual Functional Capacity

There are multiple factors used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to determine someone’s mental health residual functional capacity. Number one is the person’s diagnosis. There are mental health diagnoses that sometimes are considered to be much more severe than others. Medications are taken into consideration as well, and there are medications that are considered to be more severe than others as there are medications that are very likely to cause more side-effects than other medications. Also, the individual’s response to medication will be reviewed. Other factors include whatever is contained within the medical evidence, such as the symptoms that someone suffers, their ability to concentrate and focus, their memory, and whether they have social limitations as well.

What Information Does an Individual Need to Provide to Determine Mental Health Status?

To help the SSA determine the mental residual functional capacity in Tampa SSDI claims, the applicant will need to provide medical evidence to support the fact that their impairment is so severe that it keeps them from being able to work. The SSA, throughout the process, also takes into consideration statements from the claimant. The claimant will fill out forms along the way in which they will provide their explanation of their ability to complete daily activities, what their symptoms are and how the condition affects them, and third-party statements. The SSA may reach out to an individual who is a family member of the claimant and request these forms be completed as well.

Importance of Work History When Determining Benefits

A person’s work history primarily is going to affect an individual who is over the age of 50, according to the GRID rules or the medical-vocational guidelines. There are different skill levels of work as there is unskilled work, semi-skilled work, skilled work, and highly-skilled work. For example, if an individual, is over the age of 50 and has performed skilled work throughout their lifetime but is now limited to unskilled work, then they may be deemed unable to return to their past work, and the medical-vocational guidelines may apply and render that individual disabled.

It is important to know that there are no work history restrictions that disqualify someone from receiving social security disability benefits. For more information about the mental residual functional capacity in Tampa SSDI claims, call today.