Disability Discrimination Lawyer



Disability Discrimination Lawyer Chicago, ILWhen an employer treats a qualified employee or applicant in an unfavorable or hostile way because he or she has a disability, you need a Chicago Disability Discrimination Attorney.

The attorneys at the Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers understand the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), they know your rights, and they know how to win Disability Discrimination cases.


Having a medical condition does not necessarily mean you are protected from discrimination. To be protected you must be qualified for the job and have a disability as defined by the law.

A person can show that he or she has a disability in one of three ways:

  • If he or she has a physical or mental condition that substantially limits a major life activity (such as walking, talking, seeing, hearing, or learning, or operation of a major bodily function).
  • The person has a history of a disability (such as cancer that is in remission)
  • If someone is subject to an adverse employment action and is believed to have a physical or mental impairment that is not transitory (lasting or expected to last six months or less) and minor (even if he or she does not have such an impairment).


To be protected by the ADA, one must have a disability as described above.  Should you have a disability and have also experienced one of the following, you need to contact Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers:

  • Were you wrongfully terminated because of your disability?
  • Did your employer refuse to make simple accommodations that would make your disability a non-issue?
  • Have you been harassed or abused because of your disability?
  • Have you been demoted or moved into a dead-end position since you became disabled?


Federal and state laws forbid discrimination against employees based on their disabilities.  The ADA is in place to protect employees.  The act, “prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life (and) to enjoy employment opportunities.”


An employer is required to make reasonable accommodations to the known disability so long as it does not impose an “undue hardship” on the business. Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications made within the workplace to enable people with disabilities to enjoy equal employment opportunities. Such accommodations could be:

  • A deaf applicant may need a sign language interpreter during the job interview.
  • An employee with diabetes may need regularly scheduled breaks during the workday to eat properly and monitor blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • A blind employee may need someone to read information posted on a bulletin board.
  • An employee with cancer may need leave to have radiation or chemotherapy treatments. 


Larry Disparti and the attorneys at the Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers have quickly become Chicago’s leader in Employment Law.  If you feel you’ve faced disability discrimination you may be able to take legal action against your employer.

To gain an understanding of your rights and what recourse you can take, contact the Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers today at 312-600-6000.

When it comes to employment law, find out why thousands of our clients say, Larry Wins!