Over the years, there has been controversy surrounding the side effects experienced by children who were vaccinated according to the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule and whether some children had vaccine injuries.
Statistics obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) show that more than 8,640 petitions were filed between 1998 and 2012 claiming non-autism-related injuries caused by vaccines. An additional 5,638 claims were made during that same period of time claiming vaccines were responsible for children or other individuals developing autism.
As with any drug, there is always the possibility that the individual receiving the immunization will have some type of adverse reaction or experience serious side effects. A new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics indicates that side effects from vaccines are extremely rare. The medical researchers who conducted the study based their conclusions on an analysis of 67 research studies.
Some parents distrust the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry, and refuse to allow their children to be immunized. Florida requires certain vaccinations to be administered before a child may enroll and attend childcare and school.
The number of unvaccinated children has led to measles making a comeback, with close to 540 people across 20 states contracting the disease just this year. Medical professionals say that the benefits of vaccinating children against diseases outweigh the risks.
The CDC estimates that vaccines administered to children over the past two decades will prevent approximately “322 million illnesses, 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths over the course of their lifetimes.”
Can Immunizations Cause Autism?
The controversy regarding the relationship of autism to vaccines continues. There has been a shocking increase in cases of autism, and the medical community does not currently have an explanation, but it dismisses the claim that immunizations are associated with the condition.
In the 1970’s and 80’s, about 1 in every 2,000 children was diagnosed with autism. Currently, 1 in approximately 150 children is diagnosed. Parents who have children with autism are searching for answers, and may believe that exposure to the toxins in vaccines, including mercury, could be responsible for the onset of autism.
There are definitely potential risks and no guarantee that your child will not have an adverse reaction to vaccines, but the benefits of immunizations should be considered by parents who must make a decision regarding vaccinating their children.
Parents who question the need for their child to be immunized against diseases should discuss the matter with their family physician. All children who go to Florida public or private schools, except those who have a religious exemption, are required to be immunized to protect themselves and others from potentially fatal, vaccine-preventable diseases. You do not want your child being inadvertently exposed to a potentially deadly disease. Most children do not suffer any side effects or adverse reactions to vaccines.
Keeping Your Child Current on Vaccinations
Vaccines have played a key role in eradicating many deadly diseases over the last century. Without vaccines, we would not have the increased life expectancy we enjoy in the United States. Many of the diseases such as polio that vaccines prevent are now uncommon.
The concern is that as time passes, and more parents fail to vaccinate their children, there will be greater and greater numbers of people suffering diseases such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough, polio and other diseases dangerous to child health.
Hundreds of thousands of children who have not been immunized are being exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. While side effects from immunizations are rare, if you believe your child has sustained any type of vaccine-related injury, we advise you retain legal counsel. Contact Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers and schedule a free case consultation now.