Pasco County Wrongful Death Lawyer

When the death of a loved one occurs due to a person or company’s negligence, you may have worries about your family’s financial well-being. Fortunately, the law allows family members to recover compensation for their losses. While no amount of money could erase the pain of your loss, it could help you and your family move forward.

Do not hesitate to contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney to discuss any questions or concerns that you might have regarding the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s untimely death. Investigation is often necessary in order to reveal evidence in support of a claim. Contact a Pasco County wrongful death lawyer to discuss your situation.

Statute of Limitations

Generally, individuals who have a right to bring a wrongful death claim have two years from the date of death to file the lawsuit in Florida. Two years could seem like a long period of time, but it can pass quickly. Getting started on a claim as soon as possible could give families and their Pasco County wrongful death attorneys time to gather evidence.

The filing deadline for a wrongful death claim is crucial because it can affect a family’s right to recover damages. Failure to meet the deadline could result in dismissal of the claim.

Who Can Recover Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim?

Under Florida Statutes § 768.19, an individual may be able eligible to bring a wrongful death claim when negligence or a wrongful act led to the death. For example, if a slip and falls, motor vehicle collision, or dangerous product led directly to someone’s death, the family members of the deceased may be able to recover damages.

The personal representative of the decedent’s estate may seek to recover damages on behalf of the estate and the surviving family members. Spouses, parents, or children may be entitled to recover damages for the loss of services, contributions, and support. Medical and funeral costs may also be recoverable in a wrongful death action.

Wrongful death claims can be complicated, so preparation and careful evaluation of a claim could be necessary prior to pursuing a wrongful death action.

It could be important to speak with a wrongful death lawyer in Pasco County for evaluation of the merits of a claim.

Contact a Pasco County Wrongful Death Attorney Now

If you lost a loved one in an accident, you should consider speaking to a compassionate personal injury attorney as soon as possible. In the midst of your grief, it may be difficult to contemplate legal options. However, recovering damages in a wrongful death lawsuit is subject to strict deadlines. Evidence can become harder to locate over time, and witnesses’ memories can fade. Quick action could be critical to your family’s financial future.

If you believe that another person’s negligent or wrongful act caused your loved one’s untimely death, a Pasco County wrongful death lawyer may be able to help. Contact an attorney today to set up a case review and begin holding the at-fault party accountable for your loss.