Pasco County Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

Prescription and over the counter drugs form an essential part of millions of people’s daily routine. People rely on these medications to manage pain, control symptoms, prevent future health concerns, and much more.

Because of their prevalence and necessity, it is essential for pharmaceutical companies to make sure their drugs are safe for their intended use. A failure to meet this standard can give rise to a claim for any resulting injuries. People who suffer harm because of undisclosed side-effects, a failure to provide proper instructions for use, or even manufacturing errors have the right to demand compensation.

A Pasco County dangerous drugs lawyer may be able to help injured individuals hold negligent medication manufacturers accountable. Experienced lawyers could help gather the evidence needed to prove the dangerous nature of a drug.

Proving that a Drug is Dangerous

The mere fact that a person suffers an injury after taking a drug does not mean that the maker of that drug is liable for their losses. Laws in Pasco County and throughout Florida require plaintiffs in these cases to prove that a maker was negligent in one of three ways.

The first and most common is to prove that a defective design resulted in an injury. As applied to dangerous drug cases, this normally means that the chemical compounds in the drug result in side-effects that have a negative effect on a person’s life. Because all drugs, both over the counter and prescription, must undergo FDA approval, a failure to report possible side-effects can have very serious consequences for the drug’s maker.

A second method to prove a claim is to allege that an error in the manufacturing process resulted in a dangerous substance. For example, the medication may have become contaminated due to a hazard at the manufacturing plant.

Finally, all makers of products have a duty to warn of potential side effects and provide proper instructions for use. Something as simple as not having a proper dosage list on a bottle can lead to successful claims following an injury. A Pasco County pharmaceutical product liability attorney could help determine the manner in which a drug was unreasonably dangerous in pursuit of maximum compensation.

How a Dangerous Drug may Affect a Person’s Health

Every person who makes the choice or has a need to bring a foreign substance into their body must take care to understand the potential effects. Many of these effects are known, and people accept the risk associated with these drugs: the trade-off for the benefits is part of the package.

However, specific chemistry and dosing are essential. Even a small deviation in a chemical formula or amount of drug that a person takes may have catastrophic effects. For instance, if a person relies on a drug to regulate their liver function, an accidental overdose could cause serious damage.

A Pasco County dangerous drugs lawyer could help evaluate why the dangerous nature of the drug caused physical injury. They then work to measure the effects of the drug on a person’s life and pursue appropriate compensation.

A Pasco County Dangerous Drugs Attorney May be Able to Help

Prescription and over-the-counter medications have a constant presence in modern society. At some point in time, nearly everyone requires a drug to maintain their health or treat a condition.

The makers of these medications have a duty to produce products that are safe for advertised use. A failure at either the design, manufacturing, or advertising stages that results in an injury could serve as the basis for a personal injury claim. These claims can demand compensation for physical injuries, lost earning potential, emotional trauma, and more.

A Pasco County dangerous drugs attorney may be able to help you to pursue your claim. They can work to gather evidence of poor testing protocols, contamination at a manufacturing facility, or inaccurate instructions that name a drug maker as culpable for your losses. Call today for a consultation.