Oak Lawn Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Most people who have a family member or loved one in a nursing home want them to have excellent care from compassionate employees in a clean and comfortable environment. Unfortunately, this is not what many elderly residents experience in nursing homes today in America.

On a broad level, over two million cases of elder abuse are reported each year, and many abuse situations remain unreported. If you believe your loved one is the victim of elder abuse, reach out to an Oak Lawn nursing home abuse lawyer for assistance. A compassionate attorney could help you review your options and take action to protect your loved ones and seek compensation for any harm done to them.

What Constitutes Nursing Home Abuse in Oak Lawn?

Several different circumstances and actions can amount to abuse or neglect in a nursing home. Some of these are simply inadvertent failures to act in an appropriate manner, while others may be intentional. A few common examples of nursing home abuse include:

  • Failure to maintain a safe environment, such as by keeping residents from attacking other residents and preventing slip and fall accidents
  • Negligent hiring of employees who intentionally harm, abuse, or neglect residents
  • Failure to properly train and supervise employees
  • Negligent supervision of residents
  • Failure to adhere to standard practice health and safety policies, such as keeping living areas clean and sanitary
  • Failure to give adequate medical treatment that is considered standard practice under the circumstances

Abuse and neglect in a nursing home can cause physical, mental, and emotional damages to residents. In particular, physical injuries from abuse can include broken bones, unexplained falls, the development of bed sores and skin ulcers, excessive or quick weight loss, bruises, cuts, or welts, restraint injuries, or even an unexplained or unexpected death.

Federal Laws Against Nursing Home Abuse

If a nursing home accepts Medicare, they must follow various federal regulations such as 42 CFR sec. 483.25(h). This law states that facilities must maintain a resident environment free of accident hazards as reasonably possible. Each resident must be adequately supervised with access to assistive devices that help prevent accidents such as walkers, wheelchairs, or handrails in the bathroom. Nursing homes that fail to uphold these standards and regulations may be held liable in civil court with the help of a nursing home abuse attorney in Oak Lawn.

Even with laws and regulations in place to help prevent nursing home abuse and neglect, it can be difficult to determine what went wrong and who is responsible. Evidence may be incomplete, lacking, or even seemingly in favor of the defendant. Hiring an experienced Oak Lawn nursing home abuse lawyer may increase a plaintiff’s chances of success when seeking to hold a nursing home and its employees accountable for their actions.

Talk to an Oak Lawn Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

An Oak Lawn nursing home abuse lawyer could review and investigate the circumstances surrounding the treatment of you or a loved one in a nursing home. If abuse is found to be occurring or to have occurred in the past, you may be able to take your case to civil court.

In this process, a qualified nursing home abuse attorney could help you seek compensation for the pain and suffering endured at the hands of people you trusted. Call today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options.