Hillsborough County Medical Malpractice Lawyer

When you place your health in the hands of medical professionals, you rely on them to correctly diagnose and treat you for any illnesses or injuries. All too often, however, medical professionals fail to provide an appropriate standard of care and leave patients in a worse condition than before. When this situation occurs, you may wish to seek the advice of Hillsborough County medical malpractice lawyer to explore your legal options.

Whether you are in a hospital, a nursing home, or another medical treatment facility, you have a right to professional and competent care. If a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider fails to perform their duties, they should be liable for the injuries or losses that you suffer as a result. A skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer could examine your situation and determine whether you have a valid legal claim.

The Standard of Care for Medical Providers

Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have a legal responsibility to provide a high standard of care. Under Florida Statutes § 766.101, medical treatment must be reasonable and prudent based on the circumstances and the accepted professional standard of care in a specific medical field.

When doctors or other healthcare professionals fail to meet this duty of care, they can be held accountable for any resulting harm. Similar to the negligence standard in car accident claims, a breach in the duty of care by medical professionals can result in liability for the providers and their employers. A medical malpractice lawyer in Hillsborough County could evaluate potential claims for damages and represent those patients who have suffered as a result of substandard medical care.

Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases

The compensation available in medical malpractice claims, or damages, fall into two main categories: economic and noneconomic. Economic damages can include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and future wages if individuals are permanently disabled and unable to return to their former jobs.

On the other hand, non-economic damages are the nonfinancial losses that victims would not have sustained but for the malpractice. These damages may include pain and suffering, physical impairment, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. With the help of a medical malpractice attorney in Hillsborough County, injured patients may be able to build a strong claim against the parties who provided them with negligent medical care.

Consult a Hillsborough County Medical Malpractice Attorney

Side effects and complications are common in the medical field, and even the best efforts of medical providers cannot prevent all injuries. In some cases, however, incompetent or negligent care leaves victims with wholly preventable harms. When this occurs, a Hillsborough County medical malpractice lawyer might be able to help victims file a claim for damages against the negligent medical providers.

Medical malpractice suits involve complicated laws and specific notice requirements. They are also subject to strict timeframes for filing. As a result, you should be sure to reach out to legal counsel for advice as soon as possible following a suspended incident of medical malpractice. To schedule a consultation, call today.