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disability discrimination lawyer Chicago, IL

disability discrimination lawyer Chicago, IL

Having a disability can already be a difficult thing to deal with in your everyday life. It should not be more complicated to get a job just because you are disabled. This is something that should not be taken into account, as long as you can reasonably perform the tasks necessary for work every day. Whether you are applying for jobs and have a disability, or are already working and have something happened to make you disabled, you need to make sure you are being treated fairly in the workplace. An experienced disability discrimination lawyer in Chicago, Illinois 

from Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers can look at your case to see if you are possibly being discriminated against and if so, how to help you move forward with your life. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act

There are many different types of disabilities, which means there are many ways an employer can discriminate against someone who is disabled. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is meant to protect those who are disabled in both getting a job and retaining employment. Some of the most common disabilities in the workplace include:

-Mental disabilities. This could be something like depression or anxiety or bipolar disorder. A workplace may not discriminate against someone who has a mental illness like this.

-Chronic pain disabilities. This could include things like fibromyalgia, arthritis, or even carpal tunnel if it is a long-term problem. They need to be processes in place that allow people with these disabilities to have the same ease of work as people who are not disabled. This may include using a dictation software at work, taking a reasonable amount of time for a break to walk around and stretch, or other tools that make work less physically painful.

-Other diseases and illnesses. Many Americans have illnesses like diabetes, cancer, MS, and so on. A workplace may not discriminate against someone who has health problems like this. If they need some sort of accommodations for work, the ADA protects these people as well.

If you or someone you know has a disability and you believe they are either being discriminated against at work for it or are not able to find a job because of this, you need to contact a disability discimination lawyer in Chicago, IL from Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers today. We can further investigate your case to help determine if your rights are being violated. 

You Deserve Equality

People with disabilities often have additional challenges that other people do not need to face every day. It is only fair to give an even playing field to those who are disabled. The ADA attempts to do this through the laws for equality it has passed. If you have any kind of disability, it is important to know what your rights are. There is no need to make your life more difficult or complicated just because you have other challenges to deal with. Read the Americans with Disabilities Act to know your rights, and enlist the assistance of a disability discrimination lawyer in Chicago from Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers to help you protect and maintain your rights.