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Chemical Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit

Have you or someone you know been impacted by the news that hair relaxers could cause cancer? If so, the team at Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers is here to help you understand the situation and see if you are due compensation with a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit.
In October 2022, a medical study published by the National Institute of Health confirmed the link between the use of hair relaxers and certain cancers. Research from that study found that many ingredients found in chemical hair straighteners from popular brands like L’Oreal, Just For Me, and Soft & Beautiful, can interact with hormones and could result in a greater risk of developing gynecologic cancer. Yet, these businesses failed to properly inform women about the potential risks of using these products and its life-long side effects. Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers firmly believes that businesses should be held accountable for their negligence and that anyone diagnosed with cancer, or adversely impacted by these products, deserves compensation.

If you or someone you love is affected by this situation, the Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers is prepared to pursue justice. Companies should be held accountable for their negligence, and we’re here to make sure they are. Our dedicated legal team will work to get you the compensation you need and deserve, including covering medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress. If you or a loved one has been impacted, don’t hesitate – contact the Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers today.

The Link Between Hair Relaxers and Cancer

In October 2022, the National Institute of Health (NIH) published its findings on the link between women who use hair relaxers and the risk of developing some form of gynecologic cancer.

Cancer-Causing Ingredients in Hair Relaxers

A hair relaxer is a chemical treatment that removes or reduces curly hair. The chemicals in these relaxers can interrupt the endocrine system, which contains many different hormones. These hormone-mimicking chemicals can increase estrogen levels and increase the likelihood of cancers of the uterus or ovaries, with some studies claiming that the chemical has been found in hair relaxers. Often listed on the label as just “fragrance”, chemical hair relaxers sometimes contain phthalates and other carcinogens. In addition to gynecological cancers, many of the products have also been linked to breast cancer, endometriosis, and miscarriages. The producers of these have been accused of not only being aware of their danger and still selling them to the public, but also failing to even warn customers of the health risks.

Types of Gynecologic Cancer Caused by these Chemicals:

Uterine Cancer: The NIH study from 2022 found that women who used chemical hair straightening products had a higher risk of uterine cancer. Additionally, some women who used chemical hair relaxer were at higher risk than others- woman who used more frequently, also had higher rates of cancer.

Ovarian Cancer:  Chemical hair relaxers also appear to lead to a more serious cancer- ovarian cancer. Though less commonly diagnosed, ovarian cancer has a 5-year survival rate of 47%. Researchers found the connection between these chemicals and the occurrence of ovarian cancer, as well. Similarly to uterine cancer- studies showed that women who use hair relaxers regularly (4 or more times a month) had a 50% higher risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Who Can File a Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit?

The link between hair relaxers and cancer has prompted many people to investigate their legal rights. The most common cancers associated with hair relaxers are uterine cancer and breast cancer, but products have also been linked to breast cancer, miscarriages, and fertility issues. If you or someone you love is suffering from cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, or other related conditions that you believe were caused by chemical hair relaxers, then you may be eligible to file a hair relaxer lawsuit. You are entitled to receive compensation for the medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages you have incurred due to your diagnosis. Survivors of these cancers and the family members of those who have passed away from them after using hair relaxers for a lengthy period can pursue claims against the manufacturers of the products.

Timeline for Chemical Hair Straighter Lawsuits

If you’re considering a hair relaxer lawsuit, you should know that each state has its statute of limitations, or deadline, on how long you have to take legal action. It’s often 2-6 years in the states, and the statutes of limitations will differ depending on what state you live in.

The Impact of the Discovery Rule

The discovery rule may extend the statute of limitations in certain cases involving hair relaxers and cancer. Depending on the circumstances, the court may allow you to file your claim within based on the time when you discovered that your illness caused by hair relaxers. The discovery rule dictates when the statute of limitations starts to run: a person may file a claim within two years from when he or she either discovered or should have reasonably discovered their injury and its cause.

Status of the Hair Relaxer Class Action Lawsuit

L’Oreal and its subsidiaries appealed to a federal panel of judges to stop Multidistrict Litigation MDL hair relaxer litigation, that alleges that chemicals found in hair straighteners are linked to cancer, but this was denied by the judiciary on February 2023- allowing the MDL to move forward. So far this year, there have been at least five hair relaxer lawsuits filed in federal court claiming that hair relaxers can cause cancer and fibroids. As rulings continue to be made in favor of victims, it’s time to talk to an attorney if you believe that you or a loved one have been exposed to cancer due to the use of these products.

Contact Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers-Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit

If you have been diagnosed with one of these illness and have used a chemical hair relaxer for many years, you deserve compensation.  A hair relaxer cancer lawsuit against the manufacturer can help provide much-needed compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. If you or someone you love has developed cancer due to long-term use of a chemical hair relaxer, contact us today to learn more about filing a lawsuit. We are here to help you seek justice. We understand the complexities of hair relaxer lawsuits, and we have the resources and experience to take on any legal challenges and navigate the case to its best possible outcome. Find out what your legal rights and options are- contact us today.

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