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Holiday Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Due to the differences in speed and mass between vehicles and human bodies, pedestrian accidents can lead to extremely serious and potentially fatal injuries. An injured person and their family may suffer severe losses, including lost wages, future inability to work, loss of limbs, prohibitively expensive medical bills and property repair costs, and even mental harms like pain and anguish.

If you are struck by a vehicle in a pedestrian accident, the first step you should take after receiving the appropriate medical attention is contacting a Holiday pedestrian accident lawyer. With a qualified personal injury attorney’s help, you could begin to build a strong claim and pursue compensation from the at-fault driver for the damages you experience.

When to File a Pedestrian Accident Claim

In legal terms, the statute of limitations is the period of time in which a claimant must file their claim. According to Florida Statutes §95.11, any claim that relies on the negligence of the faulty party—including pedestrian accident claims—has a statute of limitations of four years.

If an injured person fails to file their claim before this deadline expires, they may be barred entirely from filing suit and may lose the ability to be awarded compensation. By working with a Holiday pedestrian accident lawyer, potential plaintiffs could ensure that their claim is filed in time. Also, a seasoned lawyer could review the facts of the case to ensure a strong claim is being filed.

Pedestrian Accidents and Alcohol

Some pedestrian accidents stem from intoxicated drivers. These cases may involve further criminal proceedings and may mean that the injured person is eligible for additional compensation. To determine the specific ways in which alcohol may affect an injured person’s case, it is best to discuss the details of the case with a qualified pedestrian accident lawyer in Holiday.

For example, bars or restaurants that serve alcohol legally are not typically held responsible for damages to an injured person if one of their customers drives under the influence. However, Florida Statutes §768.125 asserts that an establishment could be held legally liable if the at-fault driver was clearly intoxicated, was below the legal drinking age, or was known to the establishment as someone with an addiction issue when they were served.

A Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Holiday Could Provide Professional Assistance

Any personal injury case can be challenging to navigate, especially one centered around a pedestrian accident. If you are injured in such an incident, you may be dealing with a complex recovery process that requires your full attention. Given that, you should not also have to deal with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and a complicated legal claims process on their own.

To determine if you are eligible for compensation from an at-fault driver, get in touch with a Holiday pedestrian accident lawyer to discuss your case. An experienced attorney may be able to compile evidence of your damages, talk to expert witnesses and accident reconstruction experts, negotiate with opposing lawyers, and prepare you for depositions and questions about your injury.

By having experienced and knowledgeable legal counsel on your side, you could give yourself a better chance at recovering the compensation you deserve. Call today to get started.